Monday, November 11, 2013



I am living my day to day in more stress than I have in my 12 years of teaching. When I am at school, I feel like every ounce of happiness and energy is sucked out of me in this long tube, which then is being spewed it out in somewhere in the universe. To refill the happiness tank, I look to drink a Pepsi. The taste of Pepsi has always been on my tongue since I was born. I know this because, according to my mom, Pepsi was my second word after ball. Pepsi is my stress reliever. I can totally understand now how someone becomes addicted to substances. People feel bad about their lives, so they find something to make them feel better. I do that, but fortunately, on a less harmful scale. 

I could see from a distance that I needed to figure out a way to break the connection from stress and Pepsi. I was beginning to gain weight. I would get wicked headaches if I didn't drink a Pepsi early enough in the day, plus its expensive. More importantly than all of those was the fact that Pepsi no longer even tasted good. I wasn't drinking it because I loved the taste. I was drinking it because in my mind, it took the stress away. Let's be real, the Pepsi didn't take my stress away. What it did was create a story I told myself every time I became stressed. 

That story became one I got tired of telling. I got tired of focusing my day on stress and having that drink. It was as if the Pepsi controlled me. I decided that I was going to go on a 24 day cleanse. I chose the 24 day cleanse because its long enough to form good habits. They say that 21 days forms a habit, and now I had 3 more days to just make sure. I know there are people reading this thinking, I can't drink my meals, I can't give up coffee or carbs. The thing is, you can, but the even better thing is, you don't have to on this cleanse.

I eat every meal, with snacks in between. Each meal consists of proteins, veggies, grains and fruits. Yes, the first couple days were rough, but I am on my 12th day now and I feel great! It has been 12 days since I have had a Pepsi by the way :) Not only am I feeling better but I am learning a great deal about myself.

My stress hasn't gone away. It still shows up in various places in my life, but instead of listening to my mind and medicating that stress with Pepsi, I am now listening to my body and stopping to breathe more. I am acknowledging that if I don't like a situation, I ask if there is a solution. If there is no solution, then I accept what is, and move on. I have been doing more yoga, which is also helping me reduce stress and helping fill the happiness tank. I am taking care of me physically and emotionally every day by being in the moments and realizing when my mind is trying to take control. 

This cleanse has shown me how to have a tremendous amount of discipline. We are social beings and when we go out, it is usually centered around food. It is very easy in our culture to eat the fried foods. I am learning on this cleanse, that with some effort, you can eat very healthy. I have realized that we don't listen to our bodies enough. Realistically, there aren't many times when we ask ourselves if we are really hungry, but instead we let our mind control our eating. I have been more aware of what my mind says, especially in times of high stress. When my mind says I am craving something that I really don't want, I stop and ask the reason for wanting that food or drink. Is it because I am hungry or thirsty? Most of the time its because its habit, or Friday, or whatever excuse I am telling myself.  I am learning to listen to my mind's chatter and realize I have control. 

Through this process I am becoming aware of when I am hungry, the connections I make with food, and my mind's self talk. I have broken the link between my stress and Pepsi. I am working very hard on listening to my body and intuition, instead of my mind. I also remember that this is a process and I am not perfect, but I really like the changes I am making and the new story I am telling. What is your story? What small changes can you do every day to make your life more healthy? 

If you are interested in the cleanse check out Advocare 24 day challenge. 


  1. “Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.”
    ― Jim Ryun

    Good job!

  2. Thank you for that quote. I posted it on my computer as a reminder. I appreciate you reading my blog and for your encouragement. Thank you.

  3. Often we are eating for the wrong reasons. Sounds like you're figuring out the right reasons. Don't deprive yourself of the social aspect of dining - you just need to be attentive to your choices. These words of wisdom from another stress eater - me! Kathy L.

  4. Thanks Kathy. I love your words of wisdom. You are very right, its all about being aware. Thanks for your friendship.
