Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Rachel's Challenge

Rachel's Challenge

An emotional morning for a Wednesday. Started school like any other day, but today we were headed to an assembly for the whole school. I know that no one had any idea the impact this particular assembly was going to leave on the teachers or students. The impact was so great, that all you could hear were tears amongst 900 middle school students. 

Rachel was a 16 year old student at Columbine, who was killed in the shootings. Prior to her death, she was a student who believed in kindness, acceptance and dreams. Rachel lived what she believed. Rachel did the little things in life that mean the most. She stood up for those who couldn't stand up for themselves, she inspired everyone to live their dreams and really live their dance, no matter how unpopular you feel. 

Rachel knew that she was going to impact the world. Her journals and life proved that. Not once, did Rachel doubt who she was as a young girl. She knew that she was perfect and so was everyone else in this world; all Rachel wanted was for people to believe that as well. Unfortunately, it took her death to get people to really wake from their trance. Rachel's Challenge is just that, a challenge. It was created to challenge people to start living in kindness while you are ALIVE. Start accepting everyone, start believing we are all equal, start LIVING with compassion. 

Kindness starts spreading with just the smallest act. Something simply as smiling. When you are in a store, on a trail, walking down a street, talking to a clerk, look at these people you pass and SMILE. Opening doors for people. Moving so someone else can sit down when there is a crowded room. Writing a note to someone. Giving hugs. Have conversations with people, even if it’s the first time you met them. Very simple things that could create an impact much farther than you could ever imagine. People always remember how you made them feel, not what you did or didn't do for them. 

Listen to people and find out what is important in their life. Look people in the eyes. Find the light within everyone and help that light grow bigger. Give. Thank those people you encounter every day. Realize that people are what make this world a better place, not money. Be compassionate. LOVE. 

Live Your Dance!  Everyone has a different move, different beat, different tune, but yet, we are all connected in one big dance. Be kind to one another and just dance without judgment. There are many times where living your dance can be unpopular, scary and many instances, very challenging. I promise you though, after the fog clears, your dance moves will be full of love. It’s far worse to dance someone else’s' dance, because then, your true essence, your true dance, is never revealed. Be brave. Be you. Dance TOGETHER.

 Rachel's Challenge is moving from state to state, school to school to spread the message. It’s a wonderful message that everyone needs to hear, but when the assembly is over and two days later you are left with just yourself, how are YOU going to live? That is Rachel's Challenge. 


  1. I am seeing the best in others even more! I was so moved by the presentation. So glad you wrote about it! Keep up the good work! You are such a positive influence!

  2. Thank you for saying I am a positive influence. I really appreciate that. I think its so important to see the best in others, because everyone has great things inside of them, sometimes its just hard to let them shine. Thanks for reading and commenting.
