Sunday, October 20, 2013

Blue Eyelashes

Blue Eyelashes
My first blog. My first attempt at writing. There is a lot of pressure to figure out what to write. I have been putting off my first blog writing because I couldn't figure out what to write about first. I realized this morning as I was sitting at a Sunday church service, which for me was the third time in about 18 years,  that I just need to pick a topic and get my first blog written. That thought, whether divinely sent to my brain or whether inspired from the woman with the blue eye lashes, is still unknown, but regardless, here I go. 

Melissa, my loving partner, has a need and want to attend church on Sundays. Both of us grew up in the Catholic church and since my youth, I have not practiced any type of religion. We have gone to a few Unity churches lately to see if any of them move us to possibly want to give up our lazy Sunday mornings for more a spiritual awakening. I have not been moved and to be honest I still feel that a long hike, my own meditations and yoga is all the spiritual practice I need. 

However, this morning we attended one of the new churches on our list and as the service starts, there is a joyful song playing about how we are blessed and loved. As I sit on the aisle, watching people pass me and listening to everyone sing, I try very lovingly to figure out why again I am here this beautiful, crisp, sunny October morning. Almost immediately the answer comes into view. 

A woman probably in her 70's, dressed in a purple blanket dress.  She was wearing a glittery, bejeweled hat. It wasn't your ordinary hat, it was more like a royal crown, without the crown part sticking up on top. There was no brim, it was rounded and it stuck up probably 5 inches above her head. It had such an amazing glittery design on the top and big colorful jewels all around. The bottom of hat that covered most of her hair was purple to match her dress. Beneath the hat, grey hair, peppered with white poked out from the bottom and sides. 

As the woman started to pass me, the energy from her presence pulled me towards her and I couldn't help but keep staring. Everyone was singing and the song was very uplifting and all of the sudden the woman broke out into a dance. She moved her body so gracefully, but with a peppy step. Her legs did  a shuffle and then moved into a long step sideways and then again she repeated her dance until she sat down a few rows ahead of us. 

The smile on my face was automatic and kept growing by the second. I couldn't help but watch this woman and want to just follow her and dance. As the music stopped and she turned her head I noticed she had the brightest, longest, blue eyelashes glued to her clear rimmed eye glasses. I immediately chuckled and thought to myself, this woman has an energy about her that's inspiring. I instantly wanted to talk to her. How can you not want to be friends with a woman who has a great hat, a great dance and now blue fake eyelashes?

As the service continued, I couldn't help but wonder what her life has been like and as I sat there I made up stories in my mind. Maybe she was a dancer. A teacher. An artist. Royalty. Homeless. An acrobat. I never did find out that answer, but what I do know is this...Today, that blue eyelash lady reminded me a few things.

We all can inspire with just our presence. 

We all create our own happiness.

We are all filled with infinite love. 

We are all perfect. 

Never be afraid to live your dance. 

1 comment:

  1. That's interesting, I said the same thing the first time I met you, none of us had ever met or been friends with anyone with such a zest for life. The women with the blue eyelashes looked intriguing, and her dance inspired you, Shannon Bender never had a big hat or crazy eyelashes just a contagious infectious grasp of life love and friendship that brings joy to everyone she encounters. Your right we are all perfect, it's a shame some are perfectly blind and don't see the world through your eyes kiddo. Great blog so far, unfortunately I have no faith (I'd like to but to my mind won't accept it) I choose to believe and have faith in my friends and family, and who wouldn't with friends like you, and a family like my little girls.
